fredag den 29. juli 2011

and I'm feeling good.

Birds flying high.. You know how I feel. Sun in the sky - you know how I feel.I'm feeling good. ta da... ta da. da dam dam dam dam dam dammm.

I'm finally home now. I've been traveling around. Seen some Sex And The City. And God, I loved it. I really love and adore Samantha Jones. So.. Rough, but yet so vulnerable and sensitive at the same time. She is like an egg. Hard on the outside and soft in the inside. I love her personality. She is outgoing and very confident. Not to mention her honesty! Haha, and I love that part where she is showing her bush to Carrie, cause she'd colored it a wrong color - red.
She have done many funny and stupid things. She's not a monogamist (yet) and she is so free - when Carrie (or is it Charlotte that calls her?) She just says: "I told you, I was gonna masturbate ALL day." She thought she have lost her orgasm - period!

Me, myself - are like.. a mix of them. I'm 70% Samantha and 30% Charlotte. And wait - it's not because I'm pushy and suffering from cleaning frenzy! It's because Charlotte is so sweet. Caring. And tremendously sensitive - as I can be. Sometimes. But mostly, when I'm with people I really trust!

My life is good right now. Waiting for school to start. I'm looking forward to, and I hope I'll make it! Of course I can. It's me?
I'm also looking for an apartment - need to get out of this nut-house and get closer to the city and not to mention the train-station and my friends!I hope it will work out.

Oh, anyway, I was reading this book last night - about spirits and aura's, uh and other crazy stuff. I got really scared and was happy, that I wasn't born as a medium! I don't get how medium's can stand spirits seeking them all the time, well maybe not all the time - but it takes lots of energy to close them out from theirs center/head. It is embarrassing to admit but I had so much paranoia that I didn't want to walk out and pee. I was alone in the house, and it was like a half storm outside. Yddrk. Luckily I was in a big bed with many pillows and many duvets, so I guess I was fine after some hours in my sleep. Oh God, this is SO random. Ha.

I'll use some time with the new dog and my family now. Hope the weather will get clearer. Kiss


tirsdag den 26. juli 2011

i hate being jealous.

So. As the title says: I hate being jealous. And the reason why I am, is because of this ex. This particular ex-girlfriend, is really.. really getting on my nerves. I'm not used to people hating me - annoyed yes, but not hating me. She says she doesn't hate me - anymore. That's fine, but while she doesn't hate me, she disgust me etc. And she talks bad about me to my friend and even my sister, which I really regret I introduced her to! It breaks my heart knowing that my sister sees her behind my back. Off course I knew it - but she didn't have to tell. I get jealous. Because she is my sister, and knowing they are having a good time etc, while I'm not there feels so wrong... For me, at least. I just... Don't really know what to write. I've changed since her, I really have.

She annoys me, when she think she is, oh so fabulous, cause she isn't! She is angry with me cause I wouldn't pleasure her in bed - and it was only because I didn't find her attracted - only her personality. She just won't get her ego damaged or hurt. I might sound like a lousy girlfriend, but she was to.. to sticky and I couldn't breathe. No air. No fighting back. Only what I wanted. That is not what I need in a relationship. She got hurt. And I can't take it back. Sometimes life just suck. We weren't good for each other, thats just the way it is.

I'll try to get used to my sister seeing her - but I'll probable still be jealous. Jealously is a bad thing, Elizabeth..

I love this quote: "Have I ever told you I love you? - D"
It's from a very romantic movie with Demi Moore.
Mmhm. I'm tired now. The sun is rising slowly and the birds are singing a bit. I better go to sleep, or I'll never get up again.


fredag den 22. juli 2011

i'm angry.

Jeg er vred. Jeg føler mig udnyttet og billig. Røde, ringede forleden og spurgte om jeg var med på noget frækt, nej nej vent.. ikke bare noget frækt, faktisk sagde han ordret: "vil du ha' pik?" - han var fuld og ville bare have sex. Get it. Jeg afslår (irriteret!) og allerede dèr følte jeg mig krænket. Jeg ville skrive én sms (dagen efter, dog), for at svine ham til, men min søster talte mig fra det.
Jeg sidder på FB dagen efter og ser så, at han nu står i et forhold. Forhold?! Åbenbart med en pige han havde haft noget med længe. Og alligevel ringer han, klokken 05:30 om morgenen til MIG for at få et knald?? Jeg var så vred og ikke mindst skuffet over ham. Nåh ja, han var fuld. So fucking what? Han kunne godt have fundet på at lave et bootycall selvom han var ædru, dog nok mere diskret. Anyway. Jeg var bare nødt til at skrive det ned et sted. Jeg ved ikke helt om jeg skal slette ham fra diverse steder, eller ignorere episoden. Jeg kunne jo lide ham, og havde håbet på at ende op sammen med ham, trods alle hans fejl. Det kommer aldrig til at ske, believe me! I deserve better than that.
